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Monday, October 24, 2011

Soy Milk Not Just a Substitute For Cow's Milk

Soy milk is now familiar to many people. For those who are lactose intolerance (ie people who are notable to digest lactose digestion, carbohydrate in cow's milk), this product can be a substitute for cow's milk. More over, soy milk is also rich in nutrient and non nutrients that are beneficial to health.

Soy contains isoflavones

In men, soy has been shown to prevent prostate cancer, a disease common in men aged over 40 years. This is because soy contains phytochemicals (plantchemicals) called isoflavones. Type of main isoflavones found in soy are genistein and daidzein. Based on studies, genistein could in hibit the growth of prostate cancer cells and prevent their spread.

In women, the benefits even more. Soy may help prevent breast cancer and osteoporosis. Generally, women are more exposed to estrogen, such as women who are menstruating earlier, had no children, or who do not breast feed their babies, increased riskof breast cancer. But strangely, despite the isoflavones in soy is a phytoestrogen (a form of natural estrogen), but actually have on effect on the body to prevent breast cancer. And for women who have undergone menopause, soy can help reduce menopause al symptoms caused by declining estrogen production.

Do not over do it

Despite many benefites, but should not consume soy excessively. Because the experts are concerned that overly high levels of isoflavones in the body it will cause cancer, especially breast cancer. In post menopausal women, who should really pay attentionin this regard is the consumption of soy in the form of supplements. More advisable to consume soy in the form of whole food such as to fu, or soy milk. Certainly remain in a reasonable amount, so it can still get various benefits of and stay safe.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Renal Function

Kidney is one of the most important organ in our body. Normally, humans have a pair of kidneys located in the waist area, left and right of the spine, just below the last rib. Kidney function is to clean the blood from the body's metabolism of substance and toxin that are not needed by the body to then be issued in the form of urine. Urine production is on going. Urine that has formed is then funneted through the urinary tract to the bladder. If there's enough stimulus will give rise to urinate and then excreted from the body through the uretha in the genitals.

Another function of the kidneys, in addition to the above function sare :

maintain fluid and electrolyte levels (ion) of the body, regulate blood pressure, regulate levels of the calciumin the bones and regulate blood cell production, Seeing so many kidney function, so if there disorder that disrupt kidney can lead to the emergence of various diseases.

The kidneys can suffer from mild abnormalities such as urinary tract infections to severe such as kidney failure, requiring dialysis. Kidney disorders can be caused by several reasons, such as complications, primary and secondary renal diseases, such as glomerunefritis, pyelonephritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, uric acid and other.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Pins And Needles

Tingling is a layman's terms to describe the occurence of a dysfunction of the peripheral nervous system, which in the terminology of medicine known as neurophaty.

Relies heavily on healing factor, which turns out symptoms can be associated with various health problem, namely:
diabetes,kidney or liver failure, protein metabolic disorder,amyloidosis (a disease of the liver where the network is filled with amyloid, a protein that is similar to wax) hyphothyroidism, pophyria, intermittent acute (a disease that affect metabolism decreased pigment porphirin).
disease Charcot-Tooth, a here ditary disease. Toxic substances = alcohol,heavy metals, and certain drugssuch as vincristine,phenytoin,hydralazine,etc.
Connective tissue disorder:
Reumatoid arthritis (among one type of arthritis), SLE (Lupus Erithematosus System), Polyar teritis nodosa (collagen diseasein which the walls of arteries in various partsin flamed, can cause asthma, high blood pressureor kidney failure).

Deficient vitamins: A, B2, B6, B12, E and folic acid.

Infectious disease: leprosy,diphtheria,HIV.

Malignant disease: cancer,leukemia,lymphoma.

Treatment of this case relies upon a contributing factor. Without knowing the cause, very difficult to cope with this tingling. But in general, cope with the concept of naturophaty tingling disorder scan be reached, among other with dietary adjustments, eg to consume enaugh fluids (water, fruitand vegetable juice, etc), avoid as many food that are stimulators (caffein, cigarettes, sugar product, carbonated drinks), eating enough food to build up the nervous system which are food rich in vitamin B (especially B6,folic acid, B1 and niacin),adequate calcium, magnesium, and lecithin. These food substances found in many vegetables and nut.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Toothless Gum

Tropical Fruit Rich In Carbohydrates
Incoming jackfruit family has long been known, but that the breadfruit (Artocarpus altitis) containing high carbohydrates until now not many people know.

Breadfruit can be grown on all soil types that are relatively easily cultivated. But in fact, breadfruit is more frequent in the encounter on the page than in a plantation, so it is difficult to obta in the market.
Use fulness
In the Pasific island, breadfruit is the second major food taro. They make bread of breadfruit and called MANDRAI. Fruit peeled, cut into small pieces, washed and fermented by means inserted into the holeground. After several days, the fruit into a paste. Paste is made of bread, after washed. Paste can be stored for long term. In indonesia usual fried breadfruit, steamed, or boiledor made chip. If in the Pacific, breadfruit as a main meal, then in Indonesia, breadfruit is merelya snack or casual meal.

If boiled or steamed, breadfruit can be served with slices of brown sugar and grated coconut. Watering chocolate is melted and a sprinkling of chee se was delicious.

Breadfruit can also be used as stuffing cake or stuffed foods such as fried bread making. Technically breadfruit flour can be made because it can bee fried to make it more durable. If it becomes flour, not impossible breadfruit flour can be processed into various foods.
There are two kinds of breadfruit are grown in the world, which have seeds and without seeds. In indonesia are generally seedless breadfruit, were in the Pacific region over many breadfruit seeds. If the fruit is rich in carbohydrates, then the seeds are rich in protein amino acids (Leucine, methionine, alanine, argirin).

To meet the daily nutritional harmless if breadfruit can be included as one of the family menu.