Relies heavily on healing factor, which turns out symptoms can be associated with various health problem, namely:
diabetes,kidney or liver failure, protein metabolic disorder,amyloidosis (a disease of the liver where the network is filled with amyloid, a protein that is similar to wax) hyphothyroidism, pophyria, intermittent acute (a disease that affect metabolism decreased pigment porphirin).
disease Charcot-Tooth, a here ditary disease. Toxic substances = alcohol,heavy metals, and certain drugssuch as vincristine,phenytoin,hydralazine,etc.
Reumatoid arthritis (among one type of arthritis), SLE (Lupus Erithematosus System), Polyar teritis nodosa (collagen diseasein which the walls of arteries in various partsin flamed, can cause asthma, high blood pressureor kidney failure).
Deficient vitamins: A, B2, B6, B12, E and folic acid.
Infectious disease: leprosy,diphtheria,HIV.
Malignant disease: cancer,leukemia,lymphoma.
Treatment of this case relies upon a contributing factor. Without knowing the cause, very difficult to cope with this tingling. But in general, cope with the concept of naturophaty tingling disorder scan be reached, among other with dietary adjustments, eg to consume enaugh fluids (water, fruitand vegetable juice, etc), avoid as many food that are stimulators (caffein, cigarettes, sugar product, carbonated drinks), eating enough food to build up the nervous system which are food rich in vitamin B (especially B6,folic acid, B1 and niacin),adequate calcium, magnesium, and lecithin. These food substances found in many vegetables and nut.